Interviews & Podcasts
uni|inform (Oct 2022):
"Göttinger Entwicklungsökonomin forscht in Harvard"
SWR2 Impuls Podcast (Jun 2022):
"Göttinger Entwicklungsökonomin forscht in Harvard"
SWR2 Impuls Podcast (Jun 2022):
Press & Blog Entries
Healio - Cardiology Today (Mar 2022):
"'Urgent need' to increase statin use in low- and middle-income countries"
ScienMag Science Magazine (Nov 2021):
"Less than one-third of high cholesterol patients in low- and middle-income countries treated"
EurekAlert! (Nov 2021):
"Less than one-third of high cholesterol patients in low- and middle-income countries treated"
Deutsches Ärzteblatt (Nov 2021):
"Globale Unterversorgung der Hypercholesterinämie"
Innovations for Poverty Action (April 2021):
"RECOVR Roundup Vol. 13: Social Protection in the Time of COVID-19 —
Indonesia: Is knowledge on preventing COVID-19 enough?"